Nieve - A Nordic software development company fostering happy talent in Malaga

Joining the momentum of the technology industry in Malaga

The Malaga area is currently going through a transformation. Where the area has previously been known as the Mediterranean paradise of sun-seeking tourists, an increasing number of international technology leaders and talent are finding their paths there. There are many appreciated universities nearby including one in Malaga, which offers a growing talent pool for technology companies in the area

The technology momentum in Malaga is real. Many local software developers, engineers and architects are interested in building an international career without needing to compromise in lifestyle. The same opportunity attracts software developers from outside the city and abroad. Lifestyle and career ambitions are increasingly intervening. This makes relocation and building a tech career in Southern Spain more attractive.

Hence, in spring 2022, the trend was turned into an idea, the idea into a new Fusion Ecosystem company. Now, Nieve is paving the Malagan momentum and making career dreams true for software developers seeking to find their place in the sunny Malaga as a part of the local ecosystem.


A Spanish company built on Nordic values

The company is international in origin as it has both Finnish and Spanish roots. Nieve’s CEO moved from Finland to start the company, whereas the company’s CTO is of Spanish origin but started his professional career in Finland (Nokia) and gained startup experience in the Gold Coast of the US. Now they want to fuel a positive change in the tech industry.

Many local traditional software development companies are still struggling to build a culture that could support a sustainable working environment for various tech experts. Hierarchical organisational structures, micromanagement, mistrust and short-sighted people development are unfortunately typical characteristics of traditional technology companies. What typically goes wrong in these companies, is caring too little about employee development and being caught in the battle of managerial egos. That could easily take the cultural soul out of the company.

There is meaningfulness in building a different career option for the local and international tech talent. The team has equipped the Nordic roots to leverage them for good. Nieve represents Nordic values that support building premium software through more sustainable ways of working. At Nieve, people are valued for their independence, competences and ambitions.

Therefore, there is no room for micromanagement or unnecessary hierarchies at Nieve. The flat organisational structure enables transparency and increased freedom at work for individual experts. Simultaneously, people are expected to take greater responsibility for their work. Of course, freedom always comes with responsibility. The simple reason for taking this seriously is that agility cannot fully happen without independence and mandate to do things.

What makes Nieve different from many local companies, is the commitment to building joint success in the long-term. People are welcomed to impact the growth journey, and common goals are reflected in talent growth and people development. After all, long-term success depends heavily on how happy individual experts are, and how people are supported in renewing their competences and upskilling themselves.

Working at Nieve

Living up to Nordic quality and reliability in everything we do’ is the guiding principle leading Nieve forward. We want to be an exciting opportunity to build a meaningful tech career in an international company and part of a greater ecosystem. We offer independence and responsibility, flexibility and competitive revenue-share based compensation. We want to ensure our people get to enjoy a modern way of working and work in high-quality projects with interesting international customers.

Daniel and Mikaela

Mikaela Nyman
by Mikaela Nyman
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